GoDaddy 說明

Submitting offers on GoDaddy Auctions® domains

Submit offers or bid on domains with GoDaddy Auctions®. If you submit an offer and the seller accepts, you must submit payment promptly. Your purchase price won't exceed your maximum offer amount plus the one-year renewal fee, if applicable.

  1. Go to the GoDaddy Auctions® page and sign in to your account. (Need help signing in? Find your username or password.)
  2. Search for the domain you want to place an offer for and under Enter Bid/Offer, enter an offer (using US currency only) on the domain you want. The watermark in the text box will display the minimum amount you can offer.
  3. Select Continue to Review.
  4. Select that you have read and agree to the Universal Terms of Service Agreement, the GoDaddy Auctions® Membership Agreement, and the pricing structure for GoDaddy Auctions®.
  5. Select Submit to enter your offer. Received an error message about an invalid or missing country code? Make sure you have a Country selected in your account settings prior to submitting an offer.

When you make an offer, the seller can accept, decline (by not responding) or counter your offer. The seller has 7 days to accept your offer, even if they send you a counter-offer. For domains not registered at GoDaddy, an additional transfer fee may be required to deliver the domain to your account. Transfer fees vary depending on the domain extension.

Related steps

More info

  • After the domain has been delivered to your account, you can change the nameservers to manage your DNS records.