GoDaddy 說明


We understand things happen and you may need to cancel your domain registration. We're sad to see you go, but we're here to help along the way. Canceling your domain will remove it from your account and any products using the canceled domain will stop working. If you're not currently using the domain, you can list your domain for sale instead of removing it from your account completely.

  1. 登入您的 GoDaddy 網域組合。(需要協助您登入嗎?找尋您的使用者名稱或密碼。)
  2. 選取個別網域以存取「網域設定」頁面。
  3. Under the Advanced section, select Delete Domain.
  4. Select the checkbox next to Yes, I consent to delete the selected domains. to confirm deletion.
  5. Select Continue to delete your domain.
    • 如果您的網域有網域保護,您將需要驗證身份。如果您至少有24小時啟用兩步驟驗證(2SV),請輸入我們透過簡訊傳送的代碼,或輸入您驗證器應用程式中的代碼。否則,請輸入我們寄送給您註冊人email地址的一次性密碼


注意:您不小心取消網域了嗎?只要在 120 個小時以內還原網域,就不用支付額外費用。部分網域名稱可能設有其他規範或限制。


  • 註冊處可能會先保留您取消的網域名稱,然後才會開放給他人使用,因此您可能可以在網域釋出後重新註冊該網域。
  • 若要查看退款資格,請參閱我們的退款政策
  • 如果您決定繼續保有網域名稱,可升級網域保護