Websites + Marketing 說明

Display a calendar on my website

Link an existing calendar on your website, or manually add events to a custom calendar within Websites + Marketing. If you want to link an existing public calendar, have your source calendar's iCal URL ready.

Note: When you share a public calendar, any updates to that calendar are automatically displayed on your website. However, to change the shared calendar's content, you'll need to log into your calendar provider.
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Scroll down, expand Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
  3. Select Edit Website or Edit Site.
  4. Go to the page and location where you want to add your public calendar, and add a section, searching for Calendar, which is under the Scheduling category, and then selecting Add. An events placeholder calendar will appear on your page.
  5. In the right panel, enter a title for your calendar. It doesn't have to match the source calendar's name.
  6. You can either link a calendar or manually add events.
    • To manually add an event to a custom calendar within Websites + Marketing, select Add Events. To add your first event, select Add.
      W+M manually add events to calendar
    • Enter the event details and select Done.
    • To link a calendar, select Link a Calendar, and then copy the iCal URL from your source calendar and paste it into the Calendar URL field.
      W+M Link a Calendar menu
  7. Note: If you see "Calendar synced! But no event found in current calendar," it means that Websites + Marketing didn't find any upcoming events in your linked calendar to show on your website.
  8. Your changes are saved automatically. When you're finished, select Preview to see the results, and when you're ready to make the changes public, select Publish.
  9. To delete a calendar, select Delete Section in the upper-right dropdown menu of that section, and then select Delete to confirm.
    W+M delete section menu

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