Linux 主機 (cPanel) 說明

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Back up a database in my Web Hosting (cPanel) account


Here's how to use cPanel to create a manual backup of your website's database in Web Hosting (cPanel).

  1. 前往您的 GoDaddy 產品頁面
  2. Under Web Hosting, next to the Web Hosting (cPanel) account you want to backup, select Manage.
    select manage
  3. 點選帳戶儀表板內的「 cPanel管理員」
  4. 前往cPanel首頁,前往「檔案」區段,然後點選「備份精靈」。
  5. In the cPanel Backup Wizard page, select Back Up.
  6. 在[選取部份備份]下方,選取[ MySQL資料庫]
  7. Below Final Step, in the Databases list select the database filename. If your web browser prompts you to save the file, select OK.

