Windows Hosting (Plesk) 說明

Add a domain name to my Windows Hosting

If you have a Deluxe or Ultimate Windows Hosting plan, here's how to add more domains to the account so you can host multiple websites. If you already have a primary domain in the account, following these steps adds a "secondary" or "addon" domain to the account.

Note: Not looking to add a new domain name with its own website? You can also add domain aliases or subdomains.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Select Web Hosting.
  3. Next to the Windows Hosting account you want to use, select Manage.
  4. In the Dashboard for the account, select Plesk Admin.
  5. In the Plesk Websites & Domains page, select Add Domain.
  6. Enter the Domain name.
  7. For Hosting type, make sure Website hosting is selected.
  8. For Preferred domain, select if you want to automatically redirect visitors to your website with or without the "www" appended to the beginning of the URL. Plesk recommends not requiring the "www" in the domain name.
  9. Leave all other selections at their default values, and then select OK.

Related step

  • Unless you're using shared hosting in the same account as your domain name, you'll need to point your domain name to its new hosting account (more info).

More info