Add product categories in WooCommerce
You can create categories and subcategories for products in WooCommerce. Categories allow you to group similar products or product types.
- Sign in to WordPress.
- Click Products from the left-hand menu.
- Click Categories in the expanded WooCommerce menu.
- On the left-half of the screen, you'll see an Add new category section.
- Enter a Name for the category.
- Enter a Slug for the category (or leave this blank for WooCommerce to generate it for you).
- Leave the Parent category set to None when you create a new category. If you're creating a subcategory, select a Parent category from the dropdown.
- (Optional): Enter a Description for the category.
- Select a Display type from the dropdown to customize what is shown on the category page. If you aren't sure, you can leave this as Default.
- (Optional): Click Upload image in the Thumbnail to add an image if your theme will display category images.
- Click the Add new category button.
Related Steps
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More info
- Check out the WooCommerce documentation to learn more about how to edit and manage categories.